Name | Type | Description |
channel | GuildChannel | The channel whose permissions have been updated. |
oldPermissions | PermissionOverwrites | Collection of old PermissionOverwrites. |
newPermissions | PermissionOverwrites | Collection of new PermissionOverwrites. |
client.on("guildChannelPermissionsUpdate", (channel, oldPermissions, newPermissions) => {
console.log("'s permissions updated!");
Name | Type | Description |
channel | GuildChannel | The channel whose topic have been updated. |
oldTopic | string | The old channel topic. |
newTopic | string | The new channel topic. |
client.on("guildChannelTopicUpdate", (channel, oldTopic, newTopic) => {
console.log("'s topic changed to " + newTopic +"!");
Name | Type | Description |
oldChannel | GuildChannel | The channel before the update. |
newChannel | GuildChannel | The channel after the update. |
client.on("unhandledGuildChannelUpdate", (oldChannel, newChannel) => {
console.log("Channel '""' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
client.on("guildMemberBoost", (member) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" has started boosting ""!");
client.on("guildMemberUnboost", (member) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" has stopped boosting ""...");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who acquired the role. |
role | Role | The role the member has acquired. |
client.on("guildMemberRoleAdd", (member, role) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" acquired the role: ";
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who lost the role. |
role | Role | The role the member has lost. |
client.on("guildMemberRoleRemove", (member, role) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" lost the role: ";
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member whose nickname has changed. |
oldNickname | string | The member's old nickname. |
newNickname | string | The member's new nickname. |
client.on("guildMemberNicknameUpdate", (member, oldNickname, newNickname) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+"'s nickname is now "+newNickname);
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member whose passed the gate of the guild |
client.on("guildMemberEntered", (member) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" has passed the gate!");
Name | Type | Description |
oldMember | Guild | The member before the update. |
newMember | Guild | The member after the update. |
client.on("unhandledGuildMemberUpdate", (oldMember, newMember) => {
console.log("Member '""' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
Name | Type | Description |
guild | Guild | The guild whose boost level has increased. |
oldLevel | number | The old boost level. |
newLevel | number | The new boost level. |
client.on("guildBoostLevelUp", (guild, oldLevel, newLevel) => {
console.log(" reaches the boost level: "+newLevel);
Name | Type | Description |
guild | Guild | The guild whose boost level has decreased. |
oldLevel | number | The old boost level. |
newLevel | number | The new boost level. |
client.on("guildBoostLevelDown", (guild, oldLevel, newLevel) => {
console.log(" returned to the boost level: "+newLevel);
Name | Type | Description |
guild | Guild | The guild whose afk channel has been added. |
afkChannel | string | The afk channel. |
client.on("guildAfkChannelAdd", (guild, afkChannel) => {
console.log(" has an AFK channel now!");
Name | Type | Description |
guild | Guild | The guild which added a vanity url. |
vanityURL | string | The vanity url. |
client.on("guildVanityURLAdd", (guild, vanityURL) => {
console.log(" has added a vanity url : "+vanityURL);
Name | Type | Description |
guild | Guild | The guild which removed its vanity URL. |
vanityURL | string | The vanity url. |
client.on("guildVanityURLRemove", (guild, vanityURL) => {
console.log(" has removed its vanity url : "+vanityURL);
Name | Type | Description |
guild | Guild | The guild which updated a vanity URL. |
oldVanityURL | string | The former vanity URL. |
vanityURL | string | The updated vanity URL. |
client.on("guildVanityURLUpdate", (guild, oldVanityURL, newVanityURL) => {
console.log(`${} has changed its vanity URL from ${oldGuildvanityURL} to ${newGuildvanityURL} !`);
Name | Type | Description |
oldGuild | Guild | The guild before its feature(s) were updated. |
newGuild | Guild | The guild after its feature(s) were updated. |
client.on("guildFeaturesUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
console.log(`New features: ${newGuild.features.join(", ")}`);
Name | Type | Description |
oldGuild | Guild | The guild before its Acronym was updated. |
newGuild | Guild | The guild after its Acronym was updated. |
client.on("guildAcronymUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
console.log(" updated its Acronym : "+newGuild.nameAcronym);
Name | Type | Description |
oldGuild | Guild | The guild before its owner was updated. |
newGuild | Guild | The guild after its owner was updated. |
client.on("guildOwnerUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
console.log(" updated its owner : ";
client.on("guildPartnerAdd", (guild) => {
console.log(" got partnered!");
client.on("guildPartnerRemove", (guild) => {
console.log(" is no longer partnered!");
client.on("guildVerificationAdd", (guild) => {
console.log(" got verified!");
client.on("guildVerificationRemove", (guild) => {
console.log(" is no longer verified!");
Name | Type | Description |
oldGuild | Guild | The guild before the update. |
newGuild | Guild | The guild after the update. |
client.on("unhandledGuildUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
console.log("Guild '""' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
client.on("messagePinned", (message) => {
console.log("This message has been pinned : "+message);
Name | Type | Description |
message | Message | The old message. |
oldContent | string | The message content before it was edited. |
newContent | string | The message content after it was edited. |
client.on("messageContentEdited", (message, oldContent, newContent) => {
console.log("Message '""' has been edited to "+newContent);
Name | Type | Description |
oldMessage | Message | The message before the update. |
newMessage | Message | The message after the update. |
client.on("unhandledMessageUpdate", (oldMessage, newMessage) => {
console.log("Message '""' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who became offline. |
oldStatus | Status | The old member status, it can be "dnd", "idle" or "online". |
client.on("guildMemberOffline", (member, oldStatus) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" became offline!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who became online. |
newStatus | Status | The new member status, it can be "dnd", "idle" or "online". |
client.on("guildMemberOnline", (member, newStatus) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" was offline and is now "+newStatus+"!");
Name | Type | Description |
oldPresence | Presence | The presence before the update. |
newPresence | Presence | The presence after the update. |
client.on("unhandledPresenceUpdate", (oldPresence, newPresence) => {
console.log("Presence for member "+oldPresence.member.user.tag+"' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
Name | Type | Description |
role | Role | The role whose position has changed. |
oldPosition | number | The old role position. |
newPosition | number | The new role position. |
client.on("rolePositionUpdate", (role, oldPosition, newPosition) => {
console.log( + " was at position "+oldPosition+" and now is at position "+newPosition);
Name | Type | Description |
role | Role | The role whose permissions has changed. |
oldPermissions | number | The old role permissions. |
newPermissions | number | The new role permissions. |
client.on("rolePermissionsUpdate", (role, oldPermissions, newPermissions) => {
console.log( + " had as permissions "+oldPermissions+" and now has as permissions "+newPermissions);
Name | Type | Description |
oldRole | Role | The role before the update. |
newRole | Role | The role after the update. |
client.on("unhandledRoleUpdate", (oldRole, newRole) => {
console.log("Role '""' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
Name | Type | Description |
oldThread | ThreadChannel | The old thread channel before state update. |
newThread | ThreadChannel | The new thread channel after state update. |
client.on("threadStateUpdate", (oldThread, newThread) => {
console.log(`${} is now ${newThread.archived ? "archived" : "unarchived"}`);
Name | Type | Description |
thread | ThreadChannel | The thread channel who's name was updated. |
oldName | String | The old name of the thread. |
newName | String | The new name of the thread. |
client.on("threadNameUpdate", (thread, oldName, newName) => {
console.log(oldName + "'s name is updated to " + newName);
Name | Type | Description |
oldThread | ThreadChannel | The old thread channel before lock state update. |
newThread | ThreadChannel | The new thread channel after lock state update. |
client.on("threadLockStateUpdate", (oldThread, newThread) => {
console.log(`${} is now ${newThread.locked ? "locked" : "unlocked"}`);
Name | Type | Description |
thread | ThreadChannel | The thread channel who's rate limit per user got updated. |
oldRateLimitPerUser | Number | Thread channel's old rate limit per user in seconds. |
newRateLimitPerUser | Number | Thread channel's new rate limit per user in seconds. |
client.on("threadRateLimitPerUserUpdate", (thread, oldRateLimitPerUser, newRateLimitPerUser) => {
console.log(`${}'s slowmode got changed from ${oldRateLimitPerUser ? oldRateLimitPerUser : 0} seconds to ${newRateLimitPerUser ? newRateLimitPerUser : 0} seconds.`);
Name | Type | Description |
thread | ThreadChannel | The thread channel who's auto archive duration got updated. |
oldAutoArchiveDuration | Number | Thread channel's old auto archive duration in minutes. |
newAutoArchiveDuration | Number | Thread channel's new auto archive duration in minutes. |
client.on("threadAutoArchiveDurationUpdate", (thread, oldAutoArchiveDuration, newAutoArchiveDuration) => {
console.log("'s auto archive duration got changed from " + oldAutoArchiveDuration + " minutes to " + newAutoArchiveDuration + " minutes.");
Name | Type | Description |
oldThread | ThreadChannel | The thread before the update. |
newThread | ThreadChannel | The thread after the update. |
client.on("unhandledThreadUpdate", (oldThread, newThread) => {
console.log("Thread "" was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The user who changed their avatar. |
oldAvatarURL | string | The old avatar url. |
newAvatarURL | string | The new avatar url. |
client.on("userAvatarUpdate", (user, oldAvatarURL, newAvatarURL) => {
console.log(user.tag+" avatar updated!");
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The user who changed their username. |
oldUsername | string | The old username. |
newUsername | string | The new username. |
client.on("userUsernameUpdate", (user, oldUsername, newUsername) => {
console.log(user.tag+" username updated!");
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The user who changed their discriminator. |
oldDiscriminator | string | The old discriminator. |
newDiscriminator | string | The new discriminator. |
client.on("userDiscriminatorUpdate", (user, oldDiscriminator, newDiscriminator) => {
console.log(user.tag+" discriminator updated!");
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The user who changed their flags. |
oldFlags | string | The old flags. |
newFlags | string | The new flags. |
client.on("userFlagsUpdate", (user, oldFlags, newFlags) => {
console.log(user.tag+" flags updated!");
Name | Type | Description |
oldUser | User | The user before the update. |
newUser | User | The user after the update. |
client.on("unhandledUserUpdate", (oldUser, newUser) => {
console.log("User '""' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who joined the voice channel. |
voiceChannel | VoiceChannel | The joined voice channel. |
client.on("voiceChannelJoin", (member, channel) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" joined ""!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who left the voice channel. |
voiceChannel | VoiceChannel | The left voice channel. |
client.on("voiceChannelLeave", (member, channel) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" left ""!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who switched to another voice channel. |
voiceChannel | VoiceChannel | The old voice channel. |
voiceChannel | VoiceChannel | The new voice channel. |
client.on("voiceChannelSwitch", (member, oldChannel, newChannel) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" left "" and joined ""!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who became muted. |
muteType | boolean | The mute type. It can be "self-muted" or "server-muted". |
client.on("voiceChannelMute", (member, muteType) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" become muted! (type: "+muteType);
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who became unmuted. |
muteType | boolean | The old mute type. It can be "self-muted" or "server-muted". |
client.on("voiceChannelUnmute", (member, oldMuteType) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" become unmuted!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who became deafed. |
deafType | boolean | The deaf type. It can be "self-deafed" or "server-deafed". |
client.on("voiceChannelDeaf", (member, deafType) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" become deafed!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who became undeafed. |
deafType | boolean | The deaf type. It can be "self-deafed" or "server-deafed". |
client.on("voiceChannelUndeaf", (member, deafType) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" become undeafed!");
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who started streaming. |
voiceChannel | VoiceChannel | The channel in which the member is streaming. |
client.on("voiceStreamingStart", (member, voiceChannel) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" started streaming in ";
Name | Type | Description |
member | GuildMember | The member who stopped streaming. |
voiceChannel | VoiceChannel | The channel in which the member was streaming. |
client.on("voiceStreamingStop", (member, voiceChannel) => {
console.log(member.user.tag+" stopped streaming");
Name | Type | Description |
oldState | VoiceState | The voice state before the update. |
newState | VoiceState | The voice state after the update. |
client.on("unhandledVoiceStateUpdate", (oldState, newState) => {
console.log("Voice state for member '"+oldState.member.user.tag+"' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");