
Add many useful events to your Discord.js client!

This is a list of all the events Discord Logs handle. Not all events that could be supported are supported by the module. You can open a pull request to add new ones. This is just an automatically generated documentation list, see the README file to learn how to install and use the package.

Channel Events

Events related to the channelUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when channel permissions are updated.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
channel GuildChannel The channel whose permissions have been updated.
oldPermissions PermissionOverwrites Collection of old PermissionOverwrites.
newPermissions PermissionOverwrites Collection of new PermissionOverwrites.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildChannelPermissionsUpdate", (channel, oldPermissions, newPermissions) => {
  console.log(channel.name+"'s permissions updated!");
📡 Emitted when a channel topic changes.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
channel GuildChannel The channel whose topic have been updated.
oldTopic string The old channel topic.
newTopic string The new channel topic.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildChannelTopicUpdate", (channel, oldTopic, newTopic) => {
  console.log(channel.name+"'s topic changed to " + newTopic +"!");
📡 Emitted when the guildChannelUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldChannel GuildChannel The channel before the update.
newChannel GuildChannel The channel after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledGuildChannelUpdate", (oldChannel, newChannel) => {
  console.log("Channel '"+oldChannel.id+"' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Guild Member Events

Events related to the guildMemberUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a member starts boosting.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who started boosting.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberBoost", (member) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" has started boosting "+member.guild.name+"!");
📡 Emitted when a member stops boosting.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who stopped boosting.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberUnboost", (member) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" has stopped boosting "+member.guild.name+"...");
📡 Emitted when a member acquires a new role.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who acquired the role.
role Role The role the member has acquired.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberRoleAdd", (member, role) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" acquired the role: "+role.name);
📡 Emitted when a member looses a new role.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who lost the role.
role Role The role the member has lost.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberRoleRemove", (member, role) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" lost the role: "+role.name);
📡 Emitted when a member's nickname changes.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member whose nickname has changed.
oldNickname string The member's old nickname.
newNickname string The member's new nickname.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberNicknameUpdate", (member, oldNickname, newNickname) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+"'s nickname is now "+newNickname);
📡 Emitted when the member has passed the gate of the guild
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member whose passed the gate of the guild
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberEntered", (member) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" has passed the gate!");
📡 Emitted when the guildMemberUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldMember Guild The member before the update.
newMember Guild The member after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledGuildMemberUpdate", (oldMember, newMember) => {
  console.log("Member '"+oldMember.id+"' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Guild Events

Events related to the guildUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a guild's boost level increases.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild whose boost level has increased.
oldLevel number The old boost level.
newLevel number The new boost level.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildBoostLevelUp", (guild, oldLevel, newLevel) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" reaches the boost level: "+newLevel);
📡 Emitted when a guild's boost level decreases.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild whose boost level has decreased.
oldLevel number The old boost level.
newLevel number The new boost level.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildBoostLevelDown", (guild, oldLevel, newLevel) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" returned to the boost level: "+newLevel);
📡 Emitted when a guild banner is added.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild whose banner has been added.
bannerURL string The guild banner.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildBannerAdd", (guild, bannerURL) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" has a banner now!");
📡 Emitted when a guild afk channel is added.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild whose afk channel has been added.
afkChannel string The afk channel.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildAfkChannelAdd", (guild, afkChannel) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" has an AFK channel now!");
📡 Emitted when a guild adds a vanity url.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild which added a vanity url.
vanityURL string The vanity url.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildVanityURLAdd", (guild, vanityURL) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" has added a vanity url : "+vanityURL);
📡 Emitted when a guild removes its vanity URL.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild which removed its vanity URL.
vanityURL string The vanity url.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildVanityURLRemove", (guild, vanityURL) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" has removed its vanity url : "+vanityURL);
📡 Emitted when a guild updates its vanity URL.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild which updated a vanity URL.
oldVanityURL string The former vanity URL.
vanityURL string The updated vanity URL.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildVanityURLUpdate", (guild, oldVanityURL, newVanityURL) => {
  console.log(`${guild.name} has changed its vanity URL from ${oldGuildvanityURL} to ${newGuildvanityURL} !`);
📡 Emitten when a guild feature gets updated.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldGuild Guild The guild before its feature(s) were updated.
newGuild Guild The guild after its feature(s) were updated.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildFeaturesUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
  console.log(`New features: ${newGuild.features.join(", ")}`);
📡 Emitted when a guild updates its Acronym.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldGuild Guild The guild before its Acronym was updated.
newGuild Guild The guild after its Acronym was updated.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildAcronymUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
  console.log(oldGuild.name+" updated its Acronym : "+newGuild.nameAcronym);
📡 Emitted when a guild updates its owner.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldGuild Guild The guild before its owner was updated.
newGuild Guild The guild after its owner was updated.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildOwnerUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
  console.log(oldGuild.name+" updated its owner : "+newGuild.owner.id);
📡 Emitted when a guild gets partnered.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild who partnered.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildPartnerAdd", (guild) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" got partnered!");
📡 Emitted when a guild is no longer partnered.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild who removed partnership.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildPartnerRemove", (guild) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" is no longer partnered!");
📡 Emitted when a guild gets verified.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild who got verified.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildVerificationAdd", (guild) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" got verified!");
📡 Emitted when a guild is no longer verified.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
guild Guild The guild who is no longer verified.
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildVerificationRemove", (guild) => {
  console.log(guild.name+" is no longer verified!");
📡 Emitted when the guildUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldGuild Guild The guild before the update.
newGuild Guild The guild after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledGuildUpdate", (oldGuild, newGuild) => {
  console.log("Guild '"+oldGuild.id+"' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Message Events

Events related to the messageUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a message has been pinned.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
message Message The message that was pinned.
🆘 Example:
client.on("messagePinned", (message) => {
  console.log("This message has been pinned : "+message);
📡 Emitted when a message content has been edited.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
message Message The old message.
oldContent string The message content before it was edited.
newContent string The message content after it was edited.
🆘 Example:
client.on("messageContentEdited", (message, oldContent, newContent) => {
  console.log("Message '"+message.id+"' has been edited to "+newContent);
📡 Emitted when the messageUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldMessage Message The message before the update.
newMessage Message The message after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledMessageUpdate", (oldMessage, newMessage) => {
  console.log("Message '"+oldMessage.id+"' was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Presence Events

Events related to the presenceUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a member becomes offline.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who became offline.
oldStatus Status The old member status, it can be "dnd", "idle" or "online".
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberOffline", (member, oldStatus) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" became offline!");
📡 Emitted when a member becomes online, dnd or idle.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who became online.
newStatus Status The new member status, it can be "dnd", "idle" or "online".
🆘 Example:
client.on("guildMemberOnline", (member, newStatus) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" was offline and is now "+newStatus+"!");
📡 Emitted when the presenceUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldPresence Presence The presence before the update.
newPresence Presence The presence after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledPresenceUpdate", (oldPresence, newPresence) => {
  console.log("Presence for member "+oldPresence.member.user.tag+"' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Role Events

Events related to the roleUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a role position changes.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
role Role The role whose position has changed.
oldPosition number The old role position.
newPosition number The new role position.
🆘 Example:
client.on("rolePositionUpdate", (role, oldPosition, newPosition) => {
  console.log(role.name + " was at position "+oldPosition+" and now is at position "+newPosition);
📡 Emitted when a role permissions changes.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
role Role The role whose permissions has changed.
oldPermissions number The old role permissions.
newPermissions number The new role permissions.
🆘 Example:
client.on("rolePermissionsUpdate", (role, oldPermissions, newPermissions) => {
  console.log(role.name + " had as permissions "+oldPermissions+" and now has as permissions "+newPermissions);
📡 Emitted when the roleUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldRole Role The role before the update.
newRole Role The role after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledRoleUpdate", (oldRole, newRole) => {
  console.log("Role '"+oldRole.id+"' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Thread Channel Events

Events related to the threadUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when thread is either archived or unarchived.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldThread ThreadChannel The old thread channel before state update.
newThread ThreadChannel The new thread channel after state update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("threadStateUpdate", (oldThread, newThread) => {
  console.log(`${newThread.name} is now ${newThread.archived ? "archived" : "unarchived"}`);
📡 Emitted when thread's name is updated.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
thread ThreadChannel The thread channel who's name was updated.
oldName String The old name of the thread.
newName String The new name of the thread.
🆘 Example:
client.on("threadNameUpdate", (thread, oldName, newName) => {
  console.log(oldName + "'s name is updated to " + newName);
📡 Emitted when thread is either locked or unlocked.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldThread ThreadChannel The old thread channel before lock state update.
newThread ThreadChannel The new thread channel after lock state update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("threadLockStateUpdate", (oldThread, newThread) => {
  console.log(`${newThread.name} is now ${newThread.locked ? "locked" : "unlocked"}`);
📡 Emitted when thread's slowmode is updated.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
thread ThreadChannel The thread channel who's rate limit per user got updated.
oldRateLimitPerUser Number Thread channel's old rate limit per user in seconds.
newRateLimitPerUser Number Thread channel's new rate limit per user in seconds.
🆘 Example:
client.on("threadRateLimitPerUserUpdate", (thread, oldRateLimitPerUser, newRateLimitPerUser) => {
  console.log(`${thread.name}'s slowmode got changed from ${oldRateLimitPerUser ? oldRateLimitPerUser : 0} seconds to ${newRateLimitPerUser ? newRateLimitPerUser : 0} seconds.`);
📡 Emitted when thread's auto archive duration is updated.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
thread ThreadChannel The thread channel who's auto archive duration got updated.
oldAutoArchiveDuration Number Thread channel's old auto archive duration in minutes.
newAutoArchiveDuration Number Thread channel's new auto archive duration in minutes.
🆘 Example:
client.on("threadAutoArchiveDurationUpdate", (thread, oldAutoArchiveDuration, newAutoArchiveDuration) => {
  console.log(thread.name+"'s auto archive duration got changed from " + oldAutoArchiveDuration + " minutes to " + newAutoArchiveDuration + " minutes.");
📡 Emitted when the threadUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldThread ThreadChannel The thread before the update.
newThread ThreadChannel The thread after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledThreadUpdate", (oldThread, newThread) => {
  console.log("Thread "+oldThread.id+" was edited but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

User Events

Events related to the userUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a user changes their avatar.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
user User The user who changed their avatar.
oldAvatarURL string The old avatar url.
newAvatarURL string The new avatar url.
🆘 Example:
client.on("userAvatarUpdate", (user, oldAvatarURL, newAvatarURL) => {
  console.log(user.tag+" avatar updated!");
📡 Emitted when a user changes their username.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
user User The user who changed their username.
oldUsername string The old username.
newUsername string The new username.
🆘 Example:
client.on("userUsernameUpdate", (user, oldUsername, newUsername) => {
  console.log(user.tag+" username updated!");
📡 Emitted when a user changes their discriminator.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
user User The user who changed their discriminator.
oldDiscriminator string The old discriminator.
newDiscriminator string The new discriminator.
🆘 Example:
client.on("userDiscriminatorUpdate", (user, oldDiscriminator, newDiscriminator) => {
  console.log(user.tag+" discriminator updated!");
📡 Emitted when a user changes their flags.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
user User The user who changed their flags.
oldFlags string The old flags.
newFlags string The new flags.
🆘 Example:
client.on("userFlagsUpdate", (user, oldFlags, newFlags) => {
  console.log(user.tag+" flags updated!");
📡 Emitted when the userUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldUser User The user before the update.
newUser User The user after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledUserUpdate", (oldUser, newUser) => {
  console.log("User '"+oldUser.id+"' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Voice Events

Events related to the voiceStateUpdate event.

📡 Emitted when a member joins a voice channel.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who joined the voice channel.
voiceChannel VoiceChannel The joined voice channel.
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelJoin", (member, channel) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" joined "+channel.name+"!");
📡 Emitted when a member leaves a voice channel.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who left the voice channel.
voiceChannel VoiceChannel The left voice channel.
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelLeave", (member, channel) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" left "+channel.name+"!");
📡 Emitted when a member switches to another voice channel.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who switched to another voice channel.
voiceChannel VoiceChannel The old voice channel.
voiceChannel VoiceChannel The new voice channel.
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelSwitch", (member, oldChannel, newChannel) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" left "+oldChannel.name+" and joined "+newChannel.name+"!");
📡 Emitted when a member becomes muted (self-muted or server-muted).
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who became muted.
muteType boolean The mute type. It can be "self-muted" or "server-muted".
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelMute", (member, muteType) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" become muted! (type: "+muteType);
📡 Emitted when a member becomes unmuted.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who became unmuted.
muteType boolean The old mute type. It can be "self-muted" or "server-muted".
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelUnmute", (member, oldMuteType) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" become unmuted!");
📡 Emitted when a member becomes deafed.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who became deafed.
deafType boolean The deaf type. It can be "self-deafed" or "server-deafed".
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelDeaf", (member, deafType) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" become deafed!");
📡 Emitted when a member becomes undeafed.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who became undeafed.
deafType boolean The deaf type. It can be "self-deafed" or "server-deafed".
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceChannelUndeaf", (member, deafType) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" become undeafed!");
📡 Emitted when a member starts streaming.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who started streaming.
voiceChannel VoiceChannel The channel in which the member is streaming.
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceStreamingStart", (member, voiceChannel) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" started streaming in "+voiceChannel.name);
📡 Emitted when a member stops streaming.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
member GuildMember The member who stopped streaming.
voiceChannel VoiceChannel The channel in which the member was streaming.
🆘 Example:
client.on("voiceStreamingStop", (member, voiceChannel) => {
  console.log(member.user.tag+" stopped streaming");
📡 Emitted when the voiceStateUpdate event is triggered but discord-logs didn't trigger any custom event.
ℹī¸ Parameters:

Name Type Description
oldState VoiceState The voice state before the update.
newState VoiceState The voice state after the update.
🆘 Example:
client.on("unhandledVoiceStateUpdate", (oldState, newState) => {
  console.log("Voice state for member '"+oldState.member.user.tag+"' was updated but discord-logs couldn't find what was updated...");

Want to add cool events? Submit a pull request on Github!